National Tobacco Control Program (NTCP)
About: The tobacco epidemic is one of the biggest public health threats the world has ever faced, killing more than 8 million people a year around the world. More than millions of those deaths are the result of direct tobacco use while around 1.2 million are the result of non-smokers being exposed to second-hand smoke. Around 80% of the 1.1 billion smokers worldwide live in low- and middle income countries, where the burden of tobaccorelated illness and death is heaviest. Tobacco use contributes to poverty by diverting household spending frombasic needs such as food and shelter to tobacco. Government of Indialaunched the National Tobacco Control Programme (NTCP) in the year 2007-08,during the 11th Five-Year-Plan. Baseline data generated through the Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS) India 2009-2010, indicating high level of prevalence of tobacco use, it was up scaled in the 12th Five Year Plan with a goal to reduce the prevalence of tobacco use by 5% by the end of the 12th FYP. As per the second round of GATS, the number of tobacco users has reduced by about 81 lakhs (8.1 million). All 30 Districts of Karnataka NTCP was implemented rest of 12 new District of Karnataka,NTCP implemented During 2015-16 FY in Kolar District.
(i) Create awareness about the harmful effects of tobacco consumption.
(ii) Reduce the production and supply of tobacco products.
(iii) Ensure effective implementation of the provisions under “The Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products (Prohibition of Advertisement and Regulation of Trade and Commerce, Production,
Supply and Distribution) Act, 2003” (COTPA)
(iv) Help the people quit tobacco use, and
(v) Facilitate implementation of strategies for prevention and control of tobacco advocated by WHO Framework Convention of Tobacco Control.

The National Tobacco Control Cell (NTCC) at the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) is responsible for overall policy formulation, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the different activities envisaged under the National Tobacco Control Programme (NTCP). The National Cell functions under the direct guidance and supervision of the programme in-charge from the MoHFW i.e. Joint Secretary. The technical assistance is provided by the identified officers in the Directorate General of Health Services.
➢ Public awareness/mass media campaigns for awareness building and behavioral change
➢ Establishment of tobacco product testing laboratories at National level
➢ Mainstreaming research and training on alternative crops and livelihood with other nodal Ministries.
➢ Monitoring and evaluation including surveillance
➢ Integrating NTCP as a part of health-care delivery mechanism under the National Health Mission framework.
Dedicated State Tobacco Control Cells for effective implementation and monitoring of tobacco control initiatives. The key activities include;
➢ State Level Advocacy Workshop
➢ Training of Trainers Programme for staff appointed at DTCC under NTCP.
➢ Refresher training of the DTCC staff.
➢ Training on tobacco cessation for Health care providers.
➢ Law enforcers training / sensitization Program
Dedicated District Tobacco Control Cells for effective implementation and monitoring of tobacco control initiatives. The key activities include;
➢ Training of Key stakeholders: health and social workers, NGOs, school teachers, enforcement officers etc.
➢ Information, Education and Communication (IEC) activities.
➢ School ProgrammesMonitoring tobacco control laws.
➢ Setting-up and strengthening of cessation facilities including provision of pharmacological treatment facilities at the district level.
➢ Co-ordination with Panchayat Raj Institutions for inculcating concept of tobacco control at the Grassroots
Innovative IEC Program Conducting in Kolar District Rose Campaign Objectives of Campaign: To bring awareness on ill effects of Tobacco Consumption and Enforce The Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products Act (COTPA) 2003, Section6 (b) toTobacco Sellers who sales tobacco within 100 yards of Educational Institutions. Creatingenabling environment to for Tobacco Free Educational Institutions.
For Service and more information Contact us
Sl.No |
Name |
Designation |
Contact Address |
1 |
Dr.Charini M.A |
District Nodal Officer
District Tabacco Control Cell C/O District Surveillance Unit S.N.R District Hospital Compound Kolar -563101 Phone-08152228644 |
2 |
Mr.Mahamad.P |
District Consultant
3 |
Mr.Manjunath G N |
Social Worker |
4 |
Mr.Shashikumar |
Counselor/Psychologist |
Tobacco Cessation Center Room 53 , S.N.R District Hospital Kolar -563101 Phone-08152228644 |
Operational Guidelines of National Tobacco Control Programme(NTCP)
Click Here for Operational Guidelines