
Police Department

The Director General and Inspector General of Police (DG&IGP) is the head of the state’s police department, and under him are Additional Directors Generals of Police. Each Additional Director General of Police is in charge of a particular function: law and order, crime and technical services, administration, intelligence, the Karnataka State Reserve Police, recruitment and training.

Six Inspectors General of Police are in charge of ranges, with several Inspectors General of Police in charge of specific functions. Each Range comprises three to six districts, and each district is headed by a Superintendent of Police. The district police administration is headed by a Superintendent of Police.

The police stations are the lowest units of the police department. Police stations are headed by inspectors in towns and cities. There are two to four sub-inspectors in addition to assistant sub-inspectors, head constables and constables. Rural police stations are headed by a sub-inspector or two sub-inspectors covering law and order and crime, depending on the station’s importance. They are grouped into circles, comprising a sub-division. Sub-divisions are headed by Deputy Superintendents of Police and circles by Police Inspectors.