

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

The Chief Executive Officer shall perform the following functions :-

(a) Exercise all the power specially, imposed or conferred upon him by or under the Act or under any other law for the time being in force

(b) Control the officers and official of, or holding office under, the Zilla Panchayat subject to the general superintendence and control of the Adhyaksha and such rules as may be prescribed;

(c) Supervise and control the execution of all works of the Zilla Panchayat;

(d) Take necessary measures for the speedy execution of all works and developmental schemes of the Zilla Panchayat;

(e) Have custody of all papers and documents connected with the proceedings of the meetings of the Zilla Panchayat and its committees;

(f) Draw and disburse monies out of the Zilla Panchayat Fund; and

(g) Exercise such other powers and discharge such other functions as may be prescribed.

(h) The Chief Executive Officer shall attend meeting of the Zilla Panchayat and shall have right to attend the meeting of any committee thereof and to take part in the discussion but shall not have right to move any resolution or to vote.

List of the Chief Executive Officers, Zilla Panchayat, Kolar District

Chief Accounts Officer (CAO)

The Chief Accounts Officer shall advice the Zilla Panchayat in matters of financial policy and shall be responsible for all matters relating to the accounts of the Zilla Panchayat including the preparation of the annual accounts and budget.

The Chief Accounts Officer shall ensure that no expenditure is incurred except under proper sanction and in accordance with this Act and rules and regulations made there under and shall disallow any expenditure not warranted by the Act or the rules or regulations for which no provision is made in the budget.

Accounts Section

It is headed by a senior Officer from the State Accounts Department, designated as Chief Accounts Officer. This section acts as Finance department as well as Audit department in Zilla Panchayat System. There will be two Accounts officers to assist the Chief Accounts Officer in his duties & functions. The CAO is the custodian of the Zilla Panchayat Fund & also he advises the Chief Executive Officer & President of the Zilla Panchayat in Financial matters. He will directly Work under the Chief Executive Officer.

Preparation of Budget & Monthly/Annual accounts

The Chief Accounts officer prepares the Budget of the Zilla Panchayat for Non–plan expenditure (Appendix-B). He/She will assist the C.E.O in re-appropriation of grants at the end of the financial year. He/She prepares the Monthly & Annual Accounts based on the Treasury Schedules & Utilization certificates obtained from the Implementing officers.

Funds Flow in Zilla Panchayat

Zilla Panchayat receives the funds from the consolidated fund of the state & centre in the following categories.

1. Plan Funds.

2. Non- Plan funds.

3. Additional grants

Plan & Non-plan funds are released by the State Government to the Z.P in a Quarterly basis & Zilla Panchayat in turn releases these funds to the District level Officers of different Departments, Taluk Panchayats & Grama Panchayats in monthly/Quarterly basis. Funds is also released from the Central government to the various Programmes/Schemes implemented through the Zilla Panchayat & its subsidiary systems such as Taluk Panchayats & Grama Panchayats .

Plan Funds

It is received both from State as well as Central Government for the execution of developmental activities/works including the creation of the new infra structures & their maintenance. In addition, various centrally sponsored schemes such as MGNREGA, IAY, SGSY etc. For the Welfare of the scheduled castes & tribes grant is also released through a separate programme called Special Component Programme(SCP).

For the plan programmes the financial allocation is made by the government on the basis of

Ø Population

Ø Actual Needs

Ø Backwardness (Determined by specific parameters)

Non-Plan Funds

It is mainly meant to meet the committed expenditure of the different departments (mainly the salary) & also the maintenance of the infrastructures which are already created. These funds are exclusively released to the Zilla panchayat from the State Government.

Additional grants

These funds are not provided in the budget of the Zilla panchayat & hence it is called the Extra budgetary or non-budgetary Grants. Usually it is released by the State /Central Government to meet out the emergency needs such as to provide drinking water, formation of roads, to create rural employment at the drought prone areas, for the control of epidemic diseases & to meet the deficiency of the budget.

Financial Control & Audit

The Chief Accounts Officer through his/her Accounts officer (Audit & Compilation) conducts the internal audit of the different departments/Institutions, which are coming under the administrative control of the Zilla panchayat. He/She will watch the expenditure of the implementing officers against the grants released to them. He/She will also keep an eye on the strict adherence of the norms prescribed for schemes during their implementation by the Executives.

Planning Section

Functions of the Chief Planning Officer (CPO)

1. Formulating Perspective Plan, Five Year Plan and Annual Plan for the development of district.

2. Determining priorities for the District. Based on these priorities, allocating outlays to sectors/departments and ensuring outlays for some earmarked programmes.

3. Guiding the District Officers in the formulation of suitable schemes in accordance with local needs and local resources in the framework of District Objectives.

4. Finalising physical targets for various sectors in consultation with concerned Department.

5. Identifying area for integration and ensuring their integration in the sectoral plans.

6. Determining size of the Taluk Panchayat Sector outlay and distribution of the same among Taluk Panchayats on the basis of the objective criteria.

7. Assisting in inter-departmental co-ordination, guiding the Taluk Panchayats in formulation of Taluk sector Plan and ensuring incorporation of the Plan proposals of Taluk sector plan in the District Plan.

8. Assisting Gram Panchayats in the preparation of the Annual Development Plan and incorporating the same in the District Plan.

9. Preparing the Action Plan of various schemes, including RD & PR schemes in consultation with field departments.

10. Monitoring the progress of implementation of District Plan including achievement in targets, maintenance of time schedule and initiation of corrective action.

11. Assisting in releasing the grants to various departments based on priorities and MMRs.

12. Furnishing vital information concerning Planning to the Planning Department at the State level and creating the data bank at the district level with help of district level officers.

13. Carrying out such assignments as are given from time to time by the State Level District Planning Division.

14. To tour at least ten days in a month to closely monitor the implementation of various Plan programmes in relation to annual action plan, targets and achievements as per MMR & KDP and to know the bottlenecks and suggest suitable solutions to overcome the bottlenecks, if any. To invariably send the approved tour dairy to the Director, District Planning division.

15. Any other work entrusted by the CEO, Zilla Panchayat.

Deputy Secretary (Administration):

I. Administrations

(a) Control over Personnel coming under the Jurisdiction of Zilla Panchayat including Rural Development Department.

(b) Sanction of Leave and Advances.

(c) Purchases of Vehicles and maintenance.

(d) Purchase of Stationery and Furniture etc.,

(e) Administrative control of all departments including Taluk Panchayat.

(f) Inspections of subordinate offices.

(g) Reviewing of Diaries of Subordinate Officers.

(h) According of administrative sanctions on the proposal of subordinate Officers.

(i) Any other work entrusted by the Chief Executive Officer.

II. Development

(a) Implementation of Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Schemes.

(b) Drinking water supply schemes

(c) Minor Irrigation works.

(d) Roads, Bridges and Buildings.

(e) Special Component Programmes.

(f) 10th Finance Schemes.

(g) Stamp Duty.

(h) Central Government Schemes.

(i) Any other work entrusted by the Chief Executive Officer.

(j) Housing Schemes

(j) Administrative control of Grama Panchayat.

III. Council Section

(a) Serving notices and preparing agenda for Zilla Panchayat Meetings, Standing Committee meetings.

(b) Preparing meeting Proceedings.

(c) Compilation of answers, to the questions raised by Zilla Panchayat Members.

(d) Reviewing proceedings of meetings conducted by taluk panchayat & grama panchayat .

(e) Payment of allowance/sitting fee to the Zilla Panchayat, Members.